During the month of May the global campaign was carried out May Measurement Month 2018. In our country, The campaign had the participation of the Chilean Society of Cardiology, Chilean Society of Hypertension, medical consultants, clinics and universities. Throughout the month, dissemination was carried out through the media and public activities., where blood pressure measurements were also offered along with the recording of demographic data, cardiovascular health, weight and size. A total of 9.755 people nationwide were evaluated, who had on average 46.9 ±16 years and close to 63% They were women. And 16.2% of participants were unaware that they were hypertensive (blood pressure greater than or equal to 140/90 mmHg) and a 5.8% pressure had never been controlled. Among participants diagnosed as hypertensive (25.4%) and who received antihypertensive medications (18.8%), only half of them had controlled blood pressure.
Hypertension is the main cause of strokes and ischemic heart disease. Besides, It is the main risk factor for suffering from premature cardiovascular accident. According to the latest National Health Survey, near a 30% of the population has pressure values ≥140/90 mmHg and one of each 7 deaths is directly attributable to suffering from hypertension. The campaign carried out last May promoted the detection of hypertensive individuals and the detection of inappropriate antihypertensive treatments in the Chilean population, emphasizing the importance of carrying out frequent blood pressure checks, since with simple changes of habit (diet, physical activity, alcohol consumption, smoke) it is possible to reduce the risk of suffering from hypertension.